Quality of recovery following surgery & anaesthesia is of vital importance to improving patient outcome & clinical practice.
PostopQRS™ is a digital measurement tool, aka an electronic Clinical Outcomes Assessment (eCOA) solution that is CE Marked as a Class 1 Medical Device within the UK and Europe to assess multiple domains of post-operative recovery over time.
PostopQRS™ is a measurement tool that assesses six domains of recovery over multiple time periods. The domains of recovery include physiological, nociceptive, emotive, activities of daily living (ADL), cognitive recovery and overall patient perspective (OPP). You can try example questions from each recovery domain by clicking on the link below. Please read the instructions for each sample question.
The full PostopQRS™ tool is available online and for download providing an initial (without licence) limited number (n=5) of administrations Users can request/be provided further administrations subject to acquiring a licence. Our user fees can be found here. To access the full online tool and with accompanying training videos please register via the sign-up page.